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Doula Wisdom Blog

3 tips for increasing breastmilk

I can highly recommend the book ‘Making more milk’ by Lisa Marasco & Diana West (both International Board Certified Lactation Consultants). In this book they discuss the components necessary for good milk production.

There are primary factors

Sufficient glandular tissue + Intact nerve pathway and ducts + Adequate hormones and hormones receptors

There are...


Why itā€™s important to be pro-breastfeeding

The World Health Organization states that if all children were breastfed within an hour of birth, exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life and then continued to be breastfed (in addition to other food) up to the age of two, over 800,000 child lives would be saved annually.

This is why we ALL need to become breastfeeding advocates.

The anthropologist Dana Raphael explored...


How to *really* help a new family

Many of us think we know how to be ‘a good visitor’. But when it comes to supporting new families, there are some common do’s and don’t’s which can help everyone feel more supported and supportive.

In our culture, we sort of expect to be hosted when we visit someone. But when visiting a new family, we cannot expect this.

New parents are most likely exhausted and...


How I nurture new mothers

People often ask me what I do as a postpartum doula. I’m pretty sure my mum thought I cuddled newborns all day until I shared with her recently what I really do.

Newborn mothers need even more love, care and nourishment than their babies. New parents have the most important job in the world. It is important they receive the right support so they can transition into this new role as...


How to get free lactation support - Australian Breastfeeding Association

When people give birth, they are usually supported by a midwife who provides initial breastfeeding and lactation support. Most women know the benefits of breastfeeding and want to breastfeed but they need high-quality support in order to do so. According to the 2010 ‘Australian National Infant Feeding Survey’ 90% of mothers initiated breastfeeding. This is super positive!



Am I making enough milk?

Although breastfeeding is natural, it is still a learned skill that requires a good support network. The time it takes to exclusively breastfeed is the equivalent of a full time job, so extra support is essential!

Part of a good support network includes experts that can help if any problems arise.


A common worry that comes up for new mothers is “Am I making enough milk?” A...


What is Matrescence?

Have you heard of Matrescence?

It has many similarities to adolescence.

In the 1970’s, anthropologist Dana Raphael coined the term ‘matrescence’ - “The time of becoming a mother”. It is used to describe the physical and emotional transformation that mothers make when a baby is born. The transition also greatly effects partners and family members.


Some of the...


Breastfeeding basics: position and latch

There are many ways to hold a baby while breastfeeding. The way they are positioned and latched can make a big difference to how much milk they are drinking and to overall breast and nipple comfort. It’s good to try a few different positions to see what feels the best for you and your newborn.


Here are a few general tips


Get ready

When you start breastfeeding you may not be...


How to breastfeed for the very first time

The importance of skin-to-skin contact after birth

At the time of birth, ideally the baby is placed on the parents chest. This skin-to-skin contact helps the baby regulate their breathing, temperature and heart rate. Babies tend to feel most comfortable here and will appear more settled when having a cuddle. It is a huge feat to be born so this helps ease the transition and lets them know they...


A new chapter

It’s been 13 years since I attended my FIRST ever birth! Even though it feels like a lifetime ago, I so clearly remember the details of the labour. It was mind-blowing. I knew a baby was going to be born but it was impossible to imagine. Childbirth is an ‘everyday' miracle but it still took my breath away when she actually entered the world.

I lived my life on-call for 12 years,...

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Make sure you download the latest birth plan checklist! It has a packing list for birth, watercolour pictures of useful labour positions, tips for what to do at each stage of labour and advice for partners